Call for Proposals – Capacity Building and Monitoring Projects (2007-2008)

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Call for Proposals – Capacity Building and Monitoring Projects (2007-2008)


The Northwest Territories Cumulative Impact Monitoring Program (NWT CIMP) is now accepting proposals for capacity-building and monitoring projects that will take place before March 31, 2008! This is a call to submit proposals for projects which support the NWT CIMP, particularly in monitoring and research, as well as building community capacity and training. Please find attached the guidelines for proposals and note that the deadline for submitting a proposal is August 31, 2007. Proposals are being invited from the NWT CIMP and Audit Working Group, other Aboriginal organizations, government departments, and academia. The maximum amount available per eligible project is $20,000.00 (the total amount available for NWT CIMP this year is $225,000.00). Proposals will be evaluated and funding awarded in mid to late September by the NWT CIMP Working Group, and all funding must be spent by March 31, 2008. NEW THIS YEAR * All proposals and reports received must be completed in the MANDATORY FORMAT. Any proposals received before the submission deadline that are not in the required format, will be returned to the applicant to adjust appropriately. Proposals not in the required format by the August 31, 2007 deadline WILL NOT be evaluated by the NWT CIMP Working Group. Likewise, the final written report will not be accepted until it is in the required format. Attached are the word version of both the Proposal Template and Report Template for your editing pleasure. If you require additional information, please contact me at (867) 669-2597 or via email at